Liam Neeson Threatening Quote From Taken Mp3 Free Download UPDATED

Liam Neeson Threatening Quote From Taken Mp3 Free Download

10 Very Detail Thoughts Virtually Liam Neeson's 'Taken' Voice communication

The thriller gave the states the greatest twoscore-second action-movie monologue of the 2000s, and maybe ever.

liam neeson taken

Do NOT accept his daughter. | Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation

Practise NOT have his daughter. | Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation

The 2009 action spectacular Taken didn't simply kickstart a new phase of Liam Neeson's career. The picture show also gave usa a speech that we all at present pretty much agree is the greatest 40-second action-movie monologue of the 2000s, and possibly of all time. If you're like me, you've watched this clip of Bryan Mills' telephone call with a human who has kidnapped his daughter, Kim (Maggie Grace), roughly 500 times since the motion-picture show came out on Jan 30, 2009, and you've almost certainly heard its most famous line misquoted every other week by various middle-managers in your function. And so I'd like to honor the legendary scene's anniversary past revisiting this unforgettable cinematic moment in the full context information technology deserves. Here are the 10 things that came to mind as I rewatched Taken today.

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Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation

He does non say "a special set of skills."

The entire spoken communication, with the oft-misquoted line helpfully bolded, goes: "I don't know who you are. I don't know what you want. If you are looking for ransom, I can tell you lot I don't have money. But what I practise have are a very particular set of skills, skills I have caused over a very long career, skills that make me a nightmare for people like y'all. If y'all permit my girl get now, that'll be the end of it. I will not look for y'all. I volition not pursue you. Simply if you don't, I will wait for you lot, I will notice you, and I will kill yous." Just everyone always mangles the "set of skills" office, usually by saying "a special ready of skills." Never say this.

Bryan is non making a threat.

Bryan is merely stating the inevitable repercussions of kidnapping his girl and offering a bargain for her safe return that, in hindsight, afterwards it'south too late for them, and they are simply bloody carcasses with pummeled faces, will wait pretty sweet to the bad guys. Bryan is the Chuck Norris meme confirmed.

The phone call is longer than y'all remember.

Bryan's epic spiel clocks in at forty seconds, but information technology comes at the cease of a four-minute conversation with Kim, during which he expresses fatherly concern that she hasn't followed the conditions she agreed to prior to her trip, like calling him when she lands and not letting her friend Amanda practice really, really impaired things, like telling kidnappers where they're staying and immediately blasting actually loud music so that the sum full of her apartment experience is dancing past herself in the living room for multiple minutes before said kidnappers haul her abroad. And then much is conveyed during the derailed telephone call between Bryan and Kimmy. In quick succession, we learn that Kimmy realizes that Amanda might be a bad influence, that she understands why she should have listened to her dad, that he has a very cool briefcase filled with spy gear, and that Bryan is absolutely lethal ("They're going to take you," he informs his very frightened girl just before she is taken and the spoken language begins).

Kim and Amanda, arriving in Paris. | Twentieth Century Fox Motion-picture show Corporation

Kim's friend Amanda is the devil incarnate.

Bryan's worst nightmare isn't that someone might harm his daughter. It's that someone will put his daughter in a position to be kidnapped. Let'due south face information technology: Due to her obliviousness, Amanda is 100 pct responsible for this movie trilogy and, equally such, deserves a medal. But she loses that medal based on the following pieces of evidence: she's wearing Ugg boots in the summertime; she's a 19-year-old adult female in the year 2009 whose plan, forth with 17-twelvemonth-old Kim, is to follow U2 around on their European tour; in but the first few minutes after she appears onscreen, she tells a French stranger named Peter their names, where they're from, and where they're staying, and invites the stranger to come over earlier the party that she'south besides agreed to attend with him -- all without listening to or asking Kim; she reveals to Kim that the flat they're staying at volition be all theirs considering the cousins who she'd told Kim (and therefore Bryan) would exist there are in fact in Espana; and as presently as they arrive at the sprawling 5th-floor apartment, she immediately splays herself across the couch, announces that she's going to sleep with Peter considering "I hear French guys are amazing in bed," pressures Kim into losing her virginity while they're in Paris, blasts music, and dances with herself for at least five minutes while Kim goes to the bathroom and and then talks to her dad. Merely she didn't deserve to dice. Poor Amanda.

No smartphones for this guy.

Wait at that archaic Nokia! Bryan has no need for newfangled technology like this iPhone everyone seems to be talking about. He's going to apply what he's always used and give his girl a similar phone with "Daddy" programmed on speed punch similar he's always done.

Bryan is the all-time dad in moving picture history.

One thing that is absolutely truthful: Bryan Mills loves Kim. What other practical ex-C.I.A. "preventer" would inquire a pop diva he's guarding about how his girl might get into the music industry, overcome his innate fears about the bad areas of Paris enough to let her travel there with a friend he'south never met, say that asking him not to worry "is like telling water not to be wet" (aw!), and, after the airport drop-off, immediately go to get the Ane photo he shoots of her with his dispensable camera at the aerodrome developed. Simply Bryan Mills, practiced dad, that'due south who.

Bryan is the worst dad in moving picture history.

Another reading of Bryan Mills is that he's maybe a little likewise protective. As it turns out, rightly so, but he was overly protective even before Kimmy foolishly decided that Amanda was a safe, smart friend to go along a European vacation with. Possibly he should let her live her life the way she wants to! "Allow people live!," say the "Bryan Mills is a bad dad" people. But I volition say that he's almost certainly a skilful dad, considering he flies to Europe at the driblet of a hat to save his daughter from human-trafficking ogres.

What happens immediately afterward the call is THE BEST.

His first terminate later the phone call is Stuart's business firm. Stuart (played past the nifty character actor Xander Berkeley) is married to Bryan's ex-wife, and his megamansion is where Kim now lives. And Bryan goes over there and just completely owns Stuart in seconds. We acquire that Stuart has been involved in an oil bargain with a bunch of Russians that went s five years ago, and Bryan knows this "because I was not going to let my daughter live with someone without knowing everything almost them." He also knows that Stuart has a lease understanding with NetJet though an umbrella visitor in the Bahama islands, and that he should get him on a plane to Paris "an 60 minutes ago." That'll be all, Stuart!

It was only the 2nd-best speech of Jan 2009.

Just ten days earlier Taken came out, Barack Obama was inaugurated as the 44th president of the United States and gave his memorable speech to a verifiably massive crowd. But only Bryan knows whether he voted for Obama or McCain, and he's not going to tell you or anyone else, always. (He totally voted for McCain.)

And so began Neeson's action phase.

Neeson, who was 56 upon the release of Taken, took on a string of similar roles in the ensuing decade but has said that 2019's Cold Pursuit was the last high-octane action movie he'll do. In most of them, his character lives by a lawmaking, and that lawmaking boils downwards to "you really should not have messed with my hugger-mugger code-having ways." In the Taken series (including Taken iii -- and you are heartless if you don't cry at the end of Taken 3), he famously has a particular gear up of skills, but he'll only use them if you requite him no choice. The aforementioned goes for his double-crossed plow in 2018's hugely underrated The Commuter and the avenging snowplower he plays in the less memorable Cold Pursuit. It's the same "homo with a lawmaking" trope nosotros've seen countless times -- in Shane, in Clint Eastwood Westerns, in Bruce Lee movies, in Harrison Ford's "I'thousand just protecting my family!" thrillers, and currently in the John Wick series -- and no dubiousness we'll see many more of these sorts of characters in the years ahead. I'm excited. Meanwhile, Bryan Mills volition e'er be here, worrying nigh his daughter and delivering denoting statements into non-smartphones to men trying to damage her. Possibly they'll listen next fourth dimension?

John Sellers is the Entertainment Manager at Thrillist and is probably rewatching Taken again right now.


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